Morpho-functional robots with legged and aerial modes of locomotion

Source:  Ramezani, A., Dangol, P., Sihite, E., Lessieur, A. "NU's Husky Carbon" (PDF) Generative Design of NU's Husky Carbon, A Morpho-Functional, Legged Robot
This invention is a morpho-functional robot capable of legged and aerial locomotion. The robot, called Husky, a quadrupedal robot can morph into a quadrotor. Advance composite materials, actuators, and control algorithms are used in the system.
Technology Overview
This robot can transform from legged to the aerial mode by using ultra-light actuators that outperform existing actuators in energy density, actuation power, and payload. This is achieved by fully embedding actuator components inside resilient composite materials as opposed to metal housings, which significantly saves payload. The control is novel and unique joint action thrusters are used in the process of locomotion yielding enhanced robustness.
- Safe legged mobility
- Fast aerial mobility
- Robust locomotion
- Lightweight
- Allows for the safe operation of drones in residential spaces such as automated package delivery
- It can land on random rough terrain and irregular surfaces
- License
- Partnering
- Research collaboration
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
MORPHO-FUNCTIONAL ROBOTS WITH LEGGED AND AERIAL MODES OF LOCOMOTION National *United States of America 17/777,743 12,128,721 5/18/2022 10/29/2024   Issued
For Information, Contact:
Mark Saulich
Associate Director of Commercialization
Northeastern University
Patent #
Alireza Ramezani
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