Antennas that interconvert between electric power and electromagnetic wave radiation, act as the omnipresent critical component in communication systems including radars, satellites, smartphones, and wireless devices, etc. However, the key challenge of antenna lies in its miniaturization. State of the art compact antennas relies on electromagnetic (EM) wave resonance, which typically has a size of more than l0/10, i.e. 1/10 of the EM wavelength l0. The limitation on antenna size has made it very challenging to achieve compact electric field sensors and sensor arrays, particularly at very high frequency (VHF, 30~300 MHz) or ultra-high frequency (UHF, 0.3~3 GHz) with large EM wavelength l0, thus putting severe constraints on radars and other wireless communication systems on small mobile platforms.
Technology Overview
Northeastern University Researchers are developing nanomechanical magnetoelectric antennas with a suspended ferromagnetic/ ferroelectric thin film heterostructure, which resonant at acoustic resonance frequencies. The voltage induced acoustic waves induce magnetization dynamics via magnetoelectric coupling, which leads to the radiation of electromagnetic waves at the acoustic resonance. Vice versa, the magnetoelectric antennas sense the magnetic components of electromagnetic waves, leading to the piezoelectric voltage output. These magnetoelectric antennas have dimensions comparable to their acoustic wavelength, which leads to 1~2 orders of magnitude reduced size.
- These ultra-miniaturized magnetoelectric antennas have potential implications in magnetic nano-antennas
- Magnetoelectric (ME) antennas will be excellent sensors and radiators for EM wave
- Allows for broadband multiferroic antenna arrays
Internet of things (IoT), smartphones, and other portable wireless communication systems.
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