Virtual Reality Experiment Designer

The use of virtual environments in human behavioral research and training is experiencing rapid growth. Currently, no commercially available product that offers flexible integration of multiple peripheral sensors with a virtual environment that is configurable from a user interface. Human movement researchers frequently hire programmers to create custom software for their individual needs. 
Technology Overview
This invention, HANDoVR, is a software platform for studying and training human upper limb motor behavior in a computerized immersive virtual environment. HANDoVR comprises two interfaced but independent programs: the Virtual Experiment Creator (VEC) and the Virtual Experiment Launcher (VEL). The VEC user interface is designed for easy to use the configuration of a large number of virtual environment parameters such as the addition of peripheral sensors, placement of virtual objects, and physics of the environment. The VEL is a Unity-based virtual environment designed specifically for the study of human motor behavior. Multiple peripheral sensors can be incorporated to accurately portray the dexterous movement of the upper limb, hand, and fingers. Data from all sensing is synchronously collected and exportable for analysis. Device triggering for synchronization with currently unsupported peripherals is provided. 
- Synchronization of multiple unrelated commonly used hardware peripherals for measurement of human motor behavior (i.e, motion capture devices, data gloves, IMUs, eye tracking)
- Reduced need for programmers to customize experiments 
- Experiment designer allows for extensively and uniquely customized experiments, in or out of virtual reality
- Investigation of human visuomotor behavior and perception 
- Research and design of ergonomic virtual environments for prototyping (control panels, flight controls) 
- Motor skill training for industrial applications 
- Rehabilitation from motor impairment
- License
- Partnering
- Research collaboration
Patent Information:
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