A novel slow-wave method for efficiently coupling spin waves with electromagnetic waves without compromising operational bandwidth.
Spin wave transduction is a crucial element in the field of magnonics, a branch of a family of technologies analogous to electronics that uses spin waves (magnons) instead of electrical currents for information/energy transfer. However, simultaneously achieving high-efficiency and sizable bandwidth have always posed significant challenges in conventional methods of magnon transduction. The commercial scope and potential of various magnon-based technologies have suffered as a result of this practical tradeoff between excitation efficiency and bandwidth. Conventional magnon transduction methods via microwave radiation have focused on coupling magnetic systems to microwave cavities (achieving high efficiency but narrow bandwidth) or waveguides (wide excitation bandwidth, low efficiency). Therefore, a new means of magnon transduction that simultaneously promises high efficiency and large bandwidth is in high demand.
Technology Description:
This novel technology utilizes a unique method of broadband, high-efficiency spin wave transduction. By implementing a slow-wave structure using spoof surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) to intermediately couple microwave photons and magnons, interaction between electromagnetic waves and spin waves is greatly enhanced. Despite this, the bandwidth is still very broad, as the electromagnetic waves exist in the form of broadband travelling waves instead of the narrowband resonances of a cavity setup. Consequently, a wide bandwidth exceeding 7 GHz is obtainable, with significant improvement in excitation and detection efficiency marked by over 10 dB and up to a 40 dB rise in the measured spin wave signals. What differentiates this innovation is its unique pairing of spoof SPPs and magnonics. This is the first invention to pioneer such a combination, establishing a new standard in the field. Moreover, the general approach has been developed to be applicable to a broad range of other magnonic systems, including optomagnonics, which concerns light-spin wave coupling, and magnomechanics, which involves acoustic wave–spin wave coupling. Hence, this technology represents a crucial advancement in spin wave transduction, showcasing superior functionality, diversity, and efficiency.
- Enhanced excitation bandwidth of over 7 GHz for better frequency range.
- High excitation and detection efficiency with improvement up to 40 dB.
- Combination of spoof surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and magnonics for more comprehensive applications.
- Applicability to a wide range of other magnonic systems, including optomagnonics and magnomechanics, enhancing versatility.
- Improved functionality and productivity in the field of magnon transduction.
Commercial Applications:
- Spintronics and magnonics related devices for better information processing and storage.
- Computation devices targeting low power consumption, low volatility, and low electromagnetic interference.
- Augmentation of spin transfer torque magnetic RAM (STT-MRAM) via magnon currents.
- Integrated magnonics devices, including large-scale magnon networks for neuromorphic computing
- High data rate telecommunication systems due to enhanced bandwidth and efficiency.
- Advanced sensor technologies for precision tracking and detection.
- Defense and space communication systems for improved frequency range and signal detection, and reduced volatility.
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